Cloud Commands

Commands that are hosted on the web.

Cloud commands are hosted at URL endpoints. Slapdash makes HTTPS requests to the endpoint and interprets the JSON-encoded Command Response. Commands that run in the cloud can't make any changes to your computer (it's just JSON over HTTPS after all), so they are a safe way to share Command Bar functionality with others.

Create Cloud Command

To create a cloud command, run Create Command in the Command Bar, choose Cloud as a type, paste the Endpoint URL of your command, give it a name and press Create Command.

Developing & Deploying with Replit

One of our favourite ways to host and develop cloud commands is with Replit. We like it because we can use any programming language to write the command, and we can do the development directly in the browser. It's a super quick way to get an HTTPS endpoint up and running with just a few clicks. Fork Example

The fastest way to start is to fork another Repl. Here are a few examples you can choose from:

Run Command

After forking the Repl, hit the Run button to make sure the associated HTTPS endpoint is accessible. Find the endpoint URL in the top-right panel. This is the URL you will use to create the command inside Slapdash.

Deploying & Sharing Command By default, Repls aren't always running. If you plan to use the command often or to share it with others, you'll need to make sure the Repl is set to be Always On.

Deploying with Vercel

You can also use Vercel to deploy a command as a Serverless Function.

Start by creating a New Project inside Vercel and choose the NextJS template.

Create a new file in the project under pages/api/ahoy-world.js.

Then, add the following sample code and push to your repository to deploy it.

module.exports = async (req, res) => {
  const response = {
    view: {
      type: "list",
      options: [
          title: "Open Slapdash",
          action: {
            type: "open-url",
            url: ""
          title: "Copy Heart Emoji",
          action: {
            type: "copy",
            value: "❤️"
  res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); // for config headers
  res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

At this stage, you should have a functioning URL like https://nextjs-*** that you can use to create a command in Slapdash.

Last updated